441 research outputs found

    Integration of a Retrograde Signal during Synapse Formation by Glia-Secreted TGF-β Ligand

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    SummaryGlial cells are crucial regulators of synapse formation, elimination, and plasticity [1, 2]. In vitro studies have begun to identify glial-derived synaptogenic factors [1], but neuron-glia signaling events during synapse formation in vivo remain poorly defined. The coordinated development of pre- and postsynaptic compartments at the Drosophila neuromuscular junction (NMJ) depends on a muscle-secreted retrograde signal, the TGF-β/BMP Glass bottom boat (Gbb) [3, 4]. Muscle-derived Gbb activates the TGF-β receptors Wishful thinking (Wit) and either Saxophone (Sax) or Thick veins (Tkv) in motor neurons [3, 4]. This induces phosphorylation of Mad (P-Mad) in motor neurons, its translocation into the nucleus with a co-Smad, and activation of transcriptional programs controlling presynaptic bouton growth [5]. Here we show that NMJ glia release the TGF-β ligand Maverick (Mav), which likely activates the muscle activin-type receptor Punt to potently modulate Gbb-dependent retrograde signaling and synaptic growth. Loss of glial Mav results in strikingly reduced P-Mad at NMJs, decreased Gbb transcription in muscle, and in turn reduced muscle-to-motor neuron retrograde TGF-β/BMP signaling. We propose that by controlling Gbb release from muscle, glial cells fine tune the ability of motor neurons to extend new synaptic boutons in correlation to muscle growth. Our work identifies a novel glia-derived synaptogenic factor by which glia modulate synapse formation in vivo

    Glia and Muscle Sculpt Neuromuscular Arbors by Engulfing Destabilized Synaptic Boutons and Shed Presynaptic Debris

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    As synapses grow at the Drosophila neuromuscular junction, they shed membrane material in an activity-dependent manner. Glia and postsynaptic muscle cells are required to engulf this debris to ensure new synaptic growth

    RN Perception of Mentoring in a Hospital Environment

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    Background: Baptist Health South Florida currently has a formal mentoring program. Although there has been good attendance with the mentoring classes, the participants fail to commit to formal mentoring. Consequently, system-wide, there are few formally trained mentors. Purpose:This study was to understand the nurse mentoring culture within a hospital environment as well as identify and analyze the barriers to nurse mentoring using a focus group methodology. Methods: This qualitative study explored nurse perceptions of a mentoring culture within a hospital environment. Open-ended, conversational-style interviewing techniques with a semi-structured interview guide followed by probes to elicit more specific information were used to gain a full description of each nurse’s perceptions. Results: A structural model of mentoring as perceived by hospital nurses was developed from the data. Five overarching themes with corresponding subthemes emerged from the focus group data. (1) Mentoring culture: various mentoring models, informal vs formal, leader focused, and evolving. (2) Benefits: connections, development, retention, stability, patient safety, and making a difference. (3) Barriers: time, patients/patience, competition, knowledge deficit regarding mentor verses preceptor roles, lack of incentives, receptiveness, and voluntold. (4) Experience with mentoring: going above and beyond, lifetime relationships, personal/professional growth, feeling cared for. (5) Paradigm shift: match generational and cultural differences, resources, face to face, and voluntary. Conclusions: The study results have identified mentoring as an integral aspect of personal and professional growth within the hospital environment. The rewards of mentoring or being mentored translated into increased retention, and nurse satisfaction. However there are identified barriers that need to be overcome. The most notable finding was the distinct knowledge deficit regarding the role and responsibilities of a mentor verses a preceptor in the hospital environment

    Clasificación de los costos de mantenimiento de los vehículos y su efecto en la utilidad del año 2018 de la empresa de Transportes Ángeles S.A.

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    El trabajo de investigación titulado “Clasificación de los costos de mantenimiento de los vehículos y su efecto en la utilidad del año 2018 de la Empresa de Transportes Ángeles S.A.” tiene como objetivo determinar la clasificación e influencia de los costos de mantenimiento en la utilidad de la empresa. Del análisis se determina que la empresa no asigna ni clasifica sus costos en base al diferimiento de la vida operacional del suministro, o del consumo del mismo; cargando todo en el mismo mes de compra. Generando que los saldos de los estados financieros muestren una utilidad menor o mayor, con picos altos entre un mes y otro poniendo en duda la razonabilidad de los mismos, por ello se realiza este trabajo de investigación. Para determinar la clasificación y el efecto de los costos de mantenimiento en la utilidad, se revisaron los registros contables actuales de la empresa y se analizaron los componentes del costo del mantenimiento para determinar la vida útil o tiempo de consumo, para que así se pueden hacer los diferimientos, asignaciones y clasificaciones por tipo de mantenimiento correspondientes.Campus Lima Centr

    The Art of Nurse Mentoring: A Framework of Support

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    Introduction: Nursing mentoring relationships are vital to the advancement of personal and professional growth in nursing. Mentoring has been identified as an effective method to decrease turnover resulting in retention of experienced nurses. Despite the benefits of a mentoring relationship, barriers exist in creating and cultivating a formal mentoring program in the hospital setting. Methods: A qualitative descriptive study approach that explored nurses’ perceptions of a mentoring culture within a hospital environment. Open-ended, conversational-style interviewing techniques with a semi-structured interview guide were utilized to gain a full description of nurses’ perceptions of a mentoring culture within a hospital environment. Results: A structural model of mentoring as perceived by hospital nurses was developed from the data. Five overarching themes with corresponding subthemes emerged from nurses’ perceptions. (1) Mentoring culture: various mentoring models, informal vs formal, leader focused, and evolving. (2) Benefits: connections, development, retention, stability, patient safety, and making a difference. (3) Barriers: time, patients/patience, competition, knowledge deficit regarding mentor verses preceptor roles, lack of incentives, receptiveness, and voluntold. (4) Experience with mentoring: going above and beyond, lifetime relationships, personal/professional growth, feeling cared for. (5) Paradigm shift: match generational and cultural differences, resources, face-to-face, and voluntary. Discussion: The study results have identified mentoring as an integral aspect of personal and professional growth within the hospital environment. The rewards of mentoring or being mentored can be translated into increased nursing retention and improved nursing job satisfaction

    Glial wingless/Wnt regulates glutamate receptor clustering and synaptic physiology at the Drosophila neuromuscular junction

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    Glial cells are emerging as important regulators of synapse formation, maturation, and plasticity through the release of secreted signaling molecules. Here we use chromatin immunoprecipitation along with Drosophila genomic tiling arrays to define potential targets of the glial transcription factor Reversed polarity (Repo). Unexpectedly, we identified wingless (wg), a secreted morphogen that regulates synaptic growth at the Drosophila larval neuromuscular junction (NMJ), as a potential Repo target gene. We demonstrate that Repo regulates wg expression in vivo and that local glial cells secrete Wg at the NMJ to regulate glutamate receptor clustering and synaptic function. This work identifies Wg as a novel in vivo glial-secreted factor that specifically modulates assembly of the postsynaptic signaling machinery at the Drosophila NMJ

    Análise cienciométrica da pesquisa sobre tracoma no Brasil, 2000–2020

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    OBJETIVO: Analisar o perfil cienciométrico das pesquisas sobre tracoma no Brasil. MÉTODOS: Pesquisa bibliográfica de publicações sobre tracoma no Brasil indexadas pela base de dados da Scopus, a partir de critérios específicos no período de 2000 a 2020. Foram extraídos e analisados dados sobre autoria, país de origem, instituições e descritores, com análises de tendências temporais. As redes bibliográficas foram construídas via software de visualização cienciométrica VOSviewer® 1.6.16. RESULTADOS: Do total de 42 publicações analisadas sobre tracoma no Brasil, observou-se média anual de dois artigos, com incremento de aproximadamente 50% no período. Verificou-se média de três autores por documento e os inquéritos escolares foram a categoria de assunto mais comum. Os artigos publicados provêm majoritariamente de instituições brasileiras (95,2%), principalmente das sediadas nas regiões Sudeste e Norte. Dez autores mais produtivos estão mencionados nas primeiras autorias em 26,2% (11/42) e as instituições predominantes estão afiliadas ao estado de São Paulo. O termo Trachoma (n = 18) apresenta maior recorrência como descritor. CONCLUSÃO: Esta primeira análise cienciométrica sobre tracoma no Brasil evidencia limitado número de pesquisas sobre essa doença. Há discreto incremento da produção científica, apesar da concentração da origem em áreas geográficas com menor endemicidade da doença. Maiores investimentos são necessários para o melhor entendimento e controle dessa doença tropical negligenciada. A análise da produção bibliográfica tem papel relevante para fortalecimento do desenvolvimento de pesquisas e planejamento estratégico de programas para o controle de tracoma e doenças tropicais negligenciadas em geral.OBJECTIVE: To analyze the scientometric profile of research on trachoma in Brazil. METHODS: Bibliographic research of publications on trachoma in Brazil indexed by the Scopus database from 2000 to 2020, based on specific criteria. Data on authorship, country of origin, institutions, and keywords were collected and analyzed with analysis of time trends. Bibliographic networks were constructed via a scientometric visualization software— VOSviewer® 1.6.16. RESULTS: We analyzed 42 publications on trachoma in Brazil. The annual average was two articles, with an increase of about 50% during the period. The average number of authors was three per document and school surveys were the most common subject category. Most published articles came from Brazilian institutions (95.2%), mainly those based in Southeast and North Brazil. Of the most productive authors, 10 were mentioned as first author in 26.2% of publications (11/42) and the predominant institutions are based in the state of São Paulo. The term “trachoma” (n = 18) was the most recurrent keyword. CONCLUSION: This first scientometric analysis of research on trachoma in Brazil showed a limited number of studies on this disease. The scientific production slightly increased, although the origin of many studies is geographical areas with lower endemicity of this disease. Greater investments are needed for a better understanding and control of this neglected tropical disease. The analysis of bibliographic production on this topic is important to strengthen the development of research and strategic planning of programs for the control of trachoma and neglected tropical diseases in general